What Are Common Sleep Disorders?
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) – ‘Can’t stop moving’ – people who suffer this condition complain of a creeping, crawling, tingling sensation in their legs which make them jump around to relieve discomfort and delaying them from falling asleep. Pregnant women may suffer from this condition. It is believed to be an imbalance in the nervous system. We suggest a visit to your doctor to check your iron levels and kidneys, but this can also be a side effect of some medications. Up your magnesium intake.
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) – involuntary limb movements either whilst asleep or awake. Often the sufferer is unaware of this whilst asleep but their bed mate isn’t! We suggest a blood test at your doctors to check your iron levels is a good idea.
Paradoxical Insomnia – when you think you are not sleeping but you really are – several times a night we may be in the 5th phase of sleep and we feel as though we are semi conscious. We feel awake but in reality we are still asleep. Clock watching is the biggest issue here – try not to! Turn it away from you and use all your will power not to monitor the time through the night!
Hyper somnia /over sleeping- getting to bed too late and oversleeping the next morning can shift the circadian pattern – often seen with teenagers. Get to bed earlier and pay attention to nutrition and exercise.
Nightmares – These unpleasant dreams occur during REM sleep. As a result you are likely to remember the graphic details. Caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate nightmares so try to reduce the intake of these substances close to bedtime. Pay attention to creative pursuits as this may provide a much needed release and allow you to sleep in peace. Some report success with art therapy to relieve terrible nightmares.
Night terrors - Happen whilst asleep and the sufferer is mostly unaware they are happening although they appear awake and alert. The often won’t remember although they can be distressing for those who are awake.
Teeth grinding - Can be the manifestation of deep seated anxiety or tension. Some use a gum guard to prevent grinding their teeth as it can cause facial pain, neck pain, headaches, ground down/fractured teeth and in extreme cases can also affect gums, bone and jaw mechanisms. Learning to deal with stress and encouraging expression through art, singing, drama, music or martial arts helps to relieve tension.