Why is Coco fibre a wonderful material for a mattress?


Coconut fibre is obtained from the fibrous husk of the coconut from the coconut palm. It has a high lignin content and thus a low cellulose content, which makes it resilient, strong and highly durable, and a great material to provide the support the body needs whilst asleep.

Coco fibre has many healing properties, is non allergenic and has excellent moisture and air permeability properties which keeps the mattress internally dry.  Despite it’s durability it’s also extremely elastic, making it a great addition to a mattress to provide firm support for the spinal column.   The combination of latex and coconut husk fibre in our mattresses offers optimal posture and lumbar support whilst keeping free of pressure points.   The fibres are compressed together with natural latex glue giving it a rubbery texture.  This combination reduces tossing and turning and allows a deeper, more restful sleep.